The Understanding Dynamic and Multi-scale Systems program supports scholarship and research directed toward the discovery and refinement of theoretical and mathematical tools contributing to the continued development of the study of complex, adaptive, nonlinear systems. The program's emphasis is on the development and application of the theory and tools used in the study of complex research questions and not on particular fields of research per se. JSMF is also interested in projects attempting to apply complex systems approaches to coherently articulated questions where such approaches are not yet standard but could open up new paths to progress.
Applicant citizenship: Worldwide
Host country: United States
Years since PhD:
Award: 200,000 USD
Award Duration (years): 2-3
Research costs:
Mobility rule: Yes
Subjects: Please check the website
How to apply? For further eligibility requirements and the application process, please visit: Official Funding website
This entry has been last updated: 2020-06-28 19:33:53