EIPOD4 is a new international postdoctoral fellowship programme co-funded by Marie-Skłodowska Curie Actions (grant agreement number 847543). Designed to support the increasing diversity of career paths in Europe’s research landscape the programme offers three tracks for fellows to choose from based on their research interests and career aspirations. The academic track is designed for fellows largely interested in pursuing a classical academic career. The industry track supports interdisciplinary research projects involving an industry partner or applied research projects. The clinical track targets MD/PhDs who aspire to work as physician scientists and fellows with a strong interest in biomedical research.

Applicant and host information

Applicant citizenship: Worldwide

Host country: Europe

Years since PhD:

Award details


Award Duration (years): 3

Research costs:


Mobility rule: Yes

Subjects: Life Sciences , All subjects

Additional comments: Fellows are based at EMBL and work on self-designed interdisciplinary research projects. All projects involve at least two EMBL groups. Additional external partners from academia, industry, clinics and museums may also participate in EIPOD projects as defined by the chosen track.

How to apply? For further eligibility requirements and the application process, please visit: Official Funding website

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Application deadline

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This entry has been last updated: 2020-05-26 08:14:05

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