How to make AI proof assignments?

Posted in ChannelGeneral
  • RoxMellisa 10 months ago

    Firstly, it is essential to understand what AI assignment means. Those assignments made with the help of any AI-integrated software and can generate content are considered AI-written assignments. There are many drawbacks, such as the information not sounding natural. Also, the authenticity of the information is not trustworthy; it makes a lot of mistakes, and humans have to interfere with getting the best output. Because AI grabs information and shows you the answer, it doesn’t evaluate the reliability and authenticity of the content. Also, students don’t have to do anything, so the teacher wants assignments made by humans and not AI. There are 6 tips to create AI-proof assignments.
    1) Focus on the requirement and create a plan accordingly
    2) Make a clear outline
    3) Structure it perfectly as per the guidelines of the assignments.
    4) write content like humans.
    5) Don’t add extra heavy vocabulary.
    6) understand the mistakes and correct them in the best way, after following these six steps, you can easily make AI-proof assignments.

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